Public Notice – Request for Bids

Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI), a Minnesota nonprofit, affordable, accessible housing and service provider, will soon begin a federally funded improvement project with funding provided through the City of Florence, Alabama Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.The project includes removing existing roof and adding a new one to our accessible, affordable apartment community known as the Dogwood Terrace Apartments.ASI is seeking bids from qualified General Contractors to complete/coordinate all required improvement. The Davis-Bacon Act and related requirements apply to this funded project, which includes reporting and submission of prevailing wage documentation, as well as compliance with HUD Section 3 requirements.

To obtain a Bid Packet, interested parties may contact:

Dora Jacobsen – Bauer

Accessible Space, Inc.

2550 University Avenue West, Suite 330 North

St. Paul, MN 55114

651-645-7271, extension 241